About the School

School Ethos:
“ …The School also has the critical, intangible character called ‘ethos’ which encompasses collective attitudes, beliefs, values, traditions, aspirations and goals” ...Charting Our Education Future, Department of Education and Skills, 1995
Our school’s aspirations and goals are to help the pupils to develop academically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and physically. Education is not just about academic excellence and learning skills. We aim to help the pupils to be of their best selves, to help them to learn about themselves, to help them to be more confident. We want to help them to live and work peacefully with themselves and others. We aim to help them to become competent, mature, self-motivated adults. Our traditions will be based on our country’s traditions. We aim to give the pupils a love and respect for all thing Irish i.e. our language, our games, our music, our dance, our poetry and literature, our flag and our National Anthem.
Pupils entering Kilkeary N.S are unique. They come from caring, loving homes and bring with them different interests, abilities, experiences and parental expectations.
The teachers will do their utmost to recognise this uniqueness and will strive to promote the physical, intellectual, emotional, artistic, social, moral and spiritual development of every pupil.
The school feels an obligation to promote the educational welfare of all its pupils. Areas of weakness will be identified and tended to. Likewise, teachers will strive to recognise talented or gifted pupils and stretch them accordingly. A high level of expectation is placed on each pupil and all are helped to realise their full potential. Each pupil’s contribution to school life is cherished and highly thought of. Interests are recognised and new talents nurtured and development. The achievements of all children are valued and opportunities for improvement are encouraged.
Our school’s attitudes, beliefs and values are based on traditional Christian values of honesty, justice, tolerance, respect and self-control. These Christian values and a caring ethos permeates the relationships between pupils, parents and teachers. There is a high expectation of pupils conduct and a strong code of discipline operates, where positive encouragement rather than criticism is the norm. There is a strong sense of community and a high level of co-operation among pupils, teachers and parents. Relationships are built on mutual trust and goodwill and pupils are given responsibility according to age and ability. Curriculum content will take into account local customs, traditions and outlooks.
School curriculum:
The school follows the curriculum as set out by the Department of Education and Skills with 6 key curriculum areas spanning 11 subjects. In Kilkeary N.S. there is a particular emphasis on the Irish language.
Expectations in this School:
Expectations of the school, teachers, pupils and parents are set out here.
Information for Parents:
School hours are between 9:00am and 1:40pm/2:40pm with junior classes finishing earlier. Pupils are supervised in the school from 8:50am until 2:50pm.
The school uniform consists of a royal blue jumper, grey trousers/pinafore/skirt, white shirt and black shoes. These are available from leading retail outlets. e.g. Dunnes Stores. Tracksuits are royal blue with the school crest and are available from A Sportsman Dream, Nenagh.